Ensuring our website is accessible for everyone

Accessibility is an important aspect of any website, to ensure it is easy to use for all visitors, no matter their ability, impairment or the assistive technology used. We are therefore committed to making this website as accessible as possible for all those who will use it.

This site has designed and built this website with accessibility at the core, taking best practice web accessibility guidelines into account such as WCAG 2.0 . Practical measures have also been applied during the build process and beyond, such as regular testing on a range of desktop and mobile platforms, using built-in and third-party assistive technology products, and usability testing with end users. This is to ensure that the solutions put in place continue to meet needs as technologies evolve.

Alt-text is provided for all images that convey information deemed essential to understanding the meaning of the current webpage, such as instructional diagrams or illustrative images. No alt-text is provided for non-essential images, to aid screen reader users in reaching essential information on the page as quickly as possible.

Catering for all users

We are keen to ensure that our website offers the same rewarding and informative experience for those without a vision impairment, who have an equally important right to access and engage with our digital content. We have therefore been careful to balance the accessibility needs of all user types in the design and build of the website. Applying simple, clean designs and a well-thought through structure offers improved readability and minimises cognitive load by its very nature.

Adapting your experience to your needs

We have made the site as usable as we can, but you might have a better experience if you change the settings on your computer to suit your individual needs.

For example, you might change the site’s colours, increase the text size, or have the site spoken aloud.

For help customising your experience using accessibility features already on your computer, or by installing extra assistive technologies, try these sites:

Contact us if you have problems using this site

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our site, so if you find anything on the site difficult to use, please contact us.

To help us understand the problem as quickly as we can, please tell us:

  • the web address or title of the page where you found a problem
  • what the problem is
  • what computer and software you use.

All constructive feedback about the accessibility or usability of our site is welcome and we promise to consider it carefully. When reporting problems, you may find it useful to read Contacting Organisations about Accessible Websites. For any other general queries please contact us.