Every ticket bought helps rebuild a life

When you take part in the Blind Veterans UK raffle, your tickets could provide blind ex-Service men and women with the rehabilitation, training, practical advice and emotional support they need to rebuild their lives.

Since 1915, Blind Veterans UK has been providing blind and vision-impaired veterans of all generations with the free services they need to lead full and independent lives. No matter when they served or how they lost their sight, blind veterans can receive lifetime support.

By entering our raffle, you could support blind veterans like Kelly.

After joining the Adjutant General’s Corp at 18, Kelly served for a period in Northern Ireland before she was due to be deployed to Iraq. Kelly never made it to Iraq because she collapsed on duty after having two strokes at just 23 and 25. She lost her sight and her military career in an instant. She was completely devastated.  

Since losing her sight Kelly has achieved so much. She has run multiple marathons, loves to ski and cycle and was even the first vision-impaired athlete to claim a medal at the Invictus Games. She says without Blind Veterans UK “I probably would not be here. It’s saved my life. I wouldn’t be half the person that I am today.”

As well as an athlete, Kelly is mother to her young daughter who has cerebral palsy. She’s found the support from the charity crucial in helping her be at the centre of her family. She uses a special talking thermometer to check her daughter’s temperature which is especially important for her as children with cerebral palsy can’t regulate their temperature.

Kelly says “I owe Blind Veterans UK everything. They’ve done so much for me and my family.”

With each £1 you buy, more blind veterans like Kelly can begin to rebuild their lives after sight loss.

Blind veteran Kelly and guide dog at Remembrance

We wish you the best of luck!

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