Every ticket bought helps rebuild a life

When you take part in the Blind Veterans UK raffle, your tickets could provide blind ex-Service men and women with the rehabilitation, training, practical advice and emotional support they need to rebuild their lives.

Since 1915, Blind Veterans UK has been providing blind and vision-impaired veterans of all generations with the free services they need to lead full and independent lives. No matter when they served or how they lost their sight, blind veterans can receive lifetime support.

By entering our raffle, you could support blind veterans like Sean.

Sean left the Army after 22 years of service in the Royal Engineers, after which his eyesight began to rapidly deteriorate. He suffers from an incurable disease which blocks the supply of blood to the optic nerve. He first noticed an issue with his right eye, and shortly after the same loss of vision occurred in his left eye. Losing his sight had a huge effect on Sean, especially losing his independence at just 47. He says, “the loss of independence was a big blow”.

Since receiving support from our charity Sean has met other blind veterans who have inspired him. He now feels confidence that he too can live a normal life. Support like yours has helped with IT sessions so that he can still use computer software, helping him to feel independent again. He says, “the help has really been invaluable”.

Sean is looking forward to getting involved with all our charity has to offer. “I’m really trying to stay as active as possible” says Sean. The activity weeks at our centres are the perfect thing, he’s really looking forward to joining!

With each £1 ticket you buy, more blind veterans like Sean can join our activity weeks, and receive the equipment and support that helps them to enjoy life again.

Blind veteran Sean in front of a Royal Engineer steam train

We wish you the best of luck!

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